ABD Completion Pathway

Program Overview

The All But Dissertation (ABD) Completion Pathway Program 旨在帮助获得ABD资格的学生完成博士学位. 当一个学生完成了Ed的所有课程后,他或她就成为了ABD.D. program, but has not finished his or her dissertation. 帮助ABD学生完成论文并获得博士学位, this program provides an accelerated, 以研究为中心的课程和密集的教师支持,以确保学生有他们需要的结构和指导,使他们的论文回到正确的轨道上.

Course Requirements


  • Quantitative Research for Educational Practitioners
  • Qualitative Research for Educational Practitioners
  • Doctoral Research Practicum and Directed Readings
  • Critical Analysis and Research Design
  • Educational Contemporary Research I
  • Educational Contemporary Research II
  • Educational Contemporary Research III
  • Comprehensive Exam
  • Doctoral Dissertation, Beginning
  • Doctoral Dissertation, Continuing

Admission Requirements

The admissions requirements for the ABD pathway are as follows, with information and explanations of each requirement: 

  1. 申请ABD完成衔接课程与上次注册之前的课程之间的时间间隔不得超过15个学年. 请提交您以前注册教育博士课程的正式成绩单. 
  2. 证明你在之前开始你的教育博士学位的机构有良好的信誉,没有因为伦理或道德问题而被解雇. Link to Disciplinary Form (completed by institution from time in EdD) 
  3. ABD状态证明从一个地区批准的程序与官方成绩单和链接到目录. 请提交您以前注册教育博士课程的正式成绩单.  在你的申请完成时,应该包括你以前学校的研究生目录的链接. A link to the catalog from the years attended is preferred, 但是只要有当前研究生目录的链接就足够了,如果它包含了你注册的教育博士/博士课程. (Example:
  4.  提交的专业课程样本作品集和三(3)年的专业经验证明, 请包括2-3个项目,以证明您在教育领域的专业经验和成就. Some of those items might include:  
  • Capstone projects and/or major projects in coursework 
  • Research papers, publications  
  • Evidence of three years of professional experience  
  • Evidence of professional development and learning  

Additional Requirements

  • Master’s Degree graduate GPA of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale. 
  • 请提交所有研究生课程的正式成绩单,包括硕士学位.S., and doctoral level. 
  • A virtual interview with graduate faculty 
  • Once you submit transcripts and your portfolio, 一位教员会联系你安排一次虚拟面试. 
  1.  Three (3) letters of reference (professional or academic). When completing your application, 请提交姓名和全球最大的博彩平台,以获得3名专业和/或学术推荐. 推荐表格将直接发送给您提供的联系人. 
  2. 由申请人当前的直接主管完成的EDLDA(专业处置评估). EDLDA(教育领导倾向评估)是一种有效可靠的工具,用于评估高级项目学生的专业倾向,C-N在博士项目中使用了三次评估学生. Link to the form to be completed by your supervisor.  
  3. 如果英语不是学生的第一语言,托福网考成绩不低于85分(网络成绩)的证明(成绩不得超过两年). 托福成绩只需要那些没有在英语地区认可的大学完成硕士和/或学士学位的学生.
  4. 提交带有指纹的犯罪背景调查或就业记录证明. Link to employment verification form. 如果你没有在教育环境中工作,请联系 for background check instructions.


目标学生是教育领域的ABD候选人(教育领导,C & I, higher education, special education, reading, instructional technology, school or district leadership, educational administration, 以及其他基于地区认可大学的成绩单分析. 成功的申请将在前一所院校保持良好的信誉, academically and financially, and was not dismissed for moral or ethical reasons. 


Cohorts of the ABD pathway start every Spring A term. 所有申请材料的截止日期为12月1日st 

  • 核实在前一机构的良好信誉,不得因伦理或道德问题而被解雇.
  • ABD状态证明从一个地区批准的程序与官方成绩单和链接到目录.
  • 提交的专业课程样本作品集和三(3)年的专业经验证明, and career development
  • Master’s Degree graduate GPA of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • A virtual interview with graduate faculty
  • Three (3) letters of reference (professional or academic)
  • 由申请人的直接主管完成的EDLDA(专业处置评估). EDLDA(教育领导倾向评估)是一种有效可靠的工具,用于评估高级项目学生的专业倾向,C-N在博士项目中使用了三次评估学生.
  • 如果英语不是学生的第一语言,托福网考成绩不低于85分(网络成绩)的证明(成绩不得超过两年).
  • 提交有指纹的犯罪背景调查或教育环境下的就业记录证明.

Candidates in the program, although ABD from another institution, 是否需要注册四(4)门研究生课程(12 HRS.) and two (2) semesters of dissertation (12 hrs.) for a total of 24 hours. These are 24 hours of continuous enrollment. 




该计划的候选人将在工作的各个方面制作和捍卫C-N论文. C-N论文主席必须批准的主题,研究问题,方法,和所有 facets of the dissertation, regardless of the previous dissertation work completed at the last institution.